The Ultimate Guide to a Killer Rounder Butt Workouts

Exercises that target your glutes should be the focus of any strength-training workout, given the time you spend sitting.

The three muscles that make up your butt are the maximum, medium, and minimal. This muscle group works with your hamstrings, calves, and back, which is called the posterior chain. Strengthening your glutes doesn’t have to be a cosmetic endeavor.

Strong glutes help with pelvic alignment, hip extension, and hip mobility. Moore says this “can help with the daily chronic pains and aches you may experience.”

Want to tap into your power and get off the butt? You can use Tonal or at home to do these Rounder Butt Workouts.

Top 10 Killer Rounder Butt Workouts

Rounder Butt Workouts

1. What is a glute?

For aesthetic reasons, many people want to grow and strengthen their glutes (also known as the buttocks).

When it comes to physical health, strong glutes are essential. They are the primary mobilizers for the hips, legs, and even the steps.

Three muscles make up the glutes:

  • Gluteus maximus: Responsible for hip extension (like when you walk) and lateral rotation, like swinging your legs.
  • Gluteus medial: This muscle is responsible for your balance and the movement of your legs away from you, such as when you step out of bed.
  • The smallest muscle in the body, the gluteus minimus, is responsible for walking and rotating your legs.

If you sit a lot, your glutes may be weak. A weak gluteal system puts you at risk of developing gluteal Amnesia.

This is when your glutes lose their ability to function. Your glutes can cause knee and back pain if they are not working properly.

2. Glute Exercises at Home You Can Do without Weights

With your body weight, you can begin to do at-home glute exercise. Use this Tonal fitness expert’s list to create a mini-home glute workout. As you become stronger, you can increase the number of reps or the time between sets.

3. How to build glutes

You’ll have to do more to strengthen and build your glutes than workout. Here are some additional tips.

Consistency is key the best way is to Consistently perform exercises that strengthen and develop your glutes a few days a week. Velazquez suggests training your glutes twice a week on days that are not consecutive.

Walker suggests that beginners use weights light enough to comfortably perform 15 to 20 reps of an exercise over three or four sets.

When you can comfortably do 12 repetitions of an activity with a break of one minute between each set, increase the weight by 1 to 2 pounds.

Walker says you should eventually work up to eight to twelve repetitions with maximum weight in three sets.

4. Squats with Plyometrics

The benefit: “Squats can be a great way to work the glutes. Adding a jump or calf raise will help fire up your fast-twitch fibers responsible for explosive movements,” Moore says.

These exercises require a rapid eccentric contraction, during which the muscles are lengthened. This is followed by an immediate concentric contraction (during which the muscles rapidly shorten), increasing your ability to produce force.

How to:

  • Begin with feet shoulder-width apart. You must bend your knees, forward your hips, and descend into a full squat.
  • Imagine sitting in a chair while your arms are straight toward the floor.
  • Jump up and bring your arms overhead while pressing through your heels. You can modify this movement by squatting into an explosive calf lift so your feet do not leave the ground.
  • Gently repeat the squat.
Rounder Butt Workouts

5. Fire Hydrant

How do you do it?

  1. Start by getting down on your hands & knees. Your knees should touch, and your hands should sit shoulder-width apart, directly below your shoulders.
  1. You can tie a resistance belt above the knees or both to add resistance to ankle weights.
  1. Always keep your back straight and face the floor.
  1. Try to align your hips with the leg you are lifting.
  1. Repeat the process on the opposite side.

Rep Count:

  • three sets.
  • three sets.

Muscles targeted: Gluteus maximus, gluteus medius, gluteus minimus, abdomina

6. Side squats

How do you do it?

  1. Tie a band of resistance just below the knees.
  1. Standing with your feet together in a semi-squatted posture.
  1. Step slightly wider than shoulder width to one side, and lower yourself past 90 degrees.
  1. Keep your back straight, your core engaged, and your hips pushed back.
  1. Push yourself back into the original position by driving your heel through.
  1. Repeat the movement on the opposite leg.

Rep Count:

  • three sets.
  • Three sets (Hold Single Dumbbell)

Muscles targeted: Gluteus maximus, gluteus medius, gluteus minimus, quadriceps, hamstrings, calves, abs, lower back

7. Reverse Lunge

  • Standing with your feet shoulder-width apart, engage your core. It can be useful to put your hands on your thighs to ensure your hips don’t move to the sides or back and forth.
  • Push off your left foot with your ball to return to the starting position.
  • Step backward with your right leg and then sink into a lunge to the opposite side.
  • Continue lunging, switching sides every time.

8. Jumping Lunge

  • Jump your left and right foot forward while keeping your core engaged. Bend both knees to drop into a stance.
  • Step both feet forward to the starting position.
  • Hop your left foot back and forward with your right before dropping into a lunge to the other side.
  • As you land, continue to jump and alternate sides.
  • This move can be made more difficult by changing feet in mid-air and dropping immediately into a lunge every time (so that you do not have to hop your feet together again).

9. Bulgarian Split Squat

Benefit: “Elevating the rear leg is important for balance, especially if you are talking about glutes,” Moore says.

We’re not supposed to be perfectly balanced. Still, unilateral exercises such as this one help to keep the dominant side from overtaking and isolating the muscles of each side.

How to:

  1. Place the top of your left foot on a seat and reach back with your leg.
  1. Stand tall.
  1. Bend your knee so that your hips are parallel to the ground.
  1. Repeat by pressing the floor away.
  1. Repeat the exercise on the other leg.
Rounder Butt Workouts

10. Marching Glute Bridge

  • Face up, bend your knees, and place your feet hip-width apart.
  • Engage your core so that your lower back presses into the floor. Lift your hips while squeezing the glutes. Hold this position.
  • Lift your right leg off the floor. Bring your knee to your chest and stop when your hip is about 90 degrees.
  • Repeat the same procedure on the opposite side.
  • Continue marching while keeping your hips raised.


It is easy to build strength and fit by working out at home. You can easily make your butt look bigger and rounder by doing the right exercises.

This article should have provided some useful tips to help you achieve this goal. Keep going and stay motivated!

We are confident that you will achieve the Rounder Butt Workouts of your dreams with dedication and perseverance.